Nail diseases

Nails are a very important organ, as they cover the front of fingers, and protect them from exposure to injuries while using the hands. It also has an aesthetic importance, as the beauty of hands begins with the beauty of nails. There are many diseases that can affect nails and cause a change in their shape, color, or lead to their breakage. Also, nail injury is an indicator of the occurrence of some serious diseases, as it is a mirror of body health. Nail diseases are sometimes difficult to differentiate from each other, but with Dr. Inas Musa at Perla Dermatology Clinic in Dubai, nothing is difficult, as you will get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Nail structure:

Nails are an accessory of the skin, as are hair. The nail consists of several parts, the most important of which is nail plate, which consists of several layers of tough sheets made up of keratin, and under the nail plate there is a so-called nail bed, which is light pink in color.

Most common diseases:

Nails are affected by many diseases, the most common of which are: fungal infections, bacterial infections, psoriasis, lichen planus, changes in the nail plate as a result of a lack of minerals and vitamins (breaking and crushing of the plate or changing its shape to take a concave shape), changes in the plate shape as a result of biting nails continuously, lines appearance of different colors on the nails due to internal diseases such as kidney failure, certain syndromes such as nail-patella syndrome, nail clubbing due to heart diseases or lung cancer, the appearance of a red or dark blue hematoma as a result of trauma to the nail .

Nail fold diseases:

The skin around the nail is also a common area for many diseases, the most common of which is infection caused by either bacteria, which is called acute paronychia, which is very painful and needs to be drained of pus and treatment with antibiotics. Or it is caused by a fungal infection called chronic paronychia, which is less painful and does not contain pus, and here its treatment is antifungal. The area may also become infected with warts, which are caused by a viral infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many steps necessary to maintain healthy nails: nails must be protected from exposure to harmful substances such as detergents by wearing insulating gloves, as well as not to using nail gel to hide defects in them because it has many harmful effects, but rather visit a dermatologist and try to treat nail diseases instead of hiding them and entering into a vicious cycle of exacerbation of the disease. Using nail strengtheners and maintaining a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Because of the diversity of these diseases, there is no standard treatment for them. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist in order to diagnose the disease and then treat it in the appropriate way. Perla Dermatology Clinic provides the latest methods and techniques for treating nail and perineal diseases (laser, cryotherapy, medications, ..).

Contact Us For Inquiries

For more details about nail diseases, or to book an appointment with Dr. Inas Musa in Dubai.

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