Blood plasma contains all kinds of nutrients that the body needs. As for platelets, it is a laboratory that produces mediators that stimulate growth and regeneration and form collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. And now we can transfer all these beneficial and nutritious substances from the blood to your skin within Perla Dermatology Clinic, to ensure more vibrant and youthful skin, and stronger hair, as the specialized team under the supervision of Dr. Inas Musa provides the best and fastest results.



It is easy and simple, and 100% safe. As it relies on injecting substances taken from the person’s own blood, there is no chance of allergy or rejection, and its benefits and magical results have been observed in anti-aging, restoring the luster of the skin, getting rid of fine wrinkles and scars, activating the production of fibers and strengthening the skin. Dr. Inas Musa and Perla Dermatology Clinic staff provide you with Platelet-rich plasma PRP injections for hair as well. As it has many benefits on hair as well: after about two sessions, hair loss stops, and when more sessions are repeated, we notice the growth of new hair, not only that, but it reduces oily secretion and makes the hair more strong, durable and vibrant.

The procedure is done Perla Dermatology Clinic. At first, a quantity of venous blood is drawn and then placed in a special device called a centrifugal sedimentatior. This device separates the blood into three layers: at the bottom are red blood cells, followed by platelets, then plasma, and this process lasts about ten minutes. Platelet-rich plasma PRP is drawn. A quantity of local anesthetic is placed on the skin (cream or spray) in order for the pain to disappear. Plasma is injected into the desired place using very thin special needles. The patient usually does not feel pain, but only a slight tingling. The patient can continue his routine life after the procedure and there is no need for convalescence.

There are some recommendations that must be applied before and after the session. Before the session, you must stop taking anti-platelet drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen for a week, because these drugs reduce the effectiveness of the treatment and you must reduce the intake of caffeine. After a hair plasma injection session, bathing should be avoided for a whole day, and it is preferable not to expose the head to sunlight or dyes.

In Perla Dermatology Clinic we can add some mixtures to the plasma and it is called mesotherapy, and can also be injected alone as well. It contains high percentages of nutrients, which increases the effectiveness. Usually the sessions need to be repeated at intervals of about a month to reach the desired result, after that sessions could be conducted at wider intervals to maintain the result reached.

Plasma injections are not recommended for patients with diabetes, who suffer from kidney disease, blood clotting disorders and who are taking blood-thinners.